The Ides of March

Sorry for the sabbatical.

Sometimes life happens and interferes with all the nicely planned good intentions. 

My grandfather passed away at the end of February. His death has thrown me for a loop. It’s taken a while, and will take a longer while still, to adjust to the new normal of his not being in the world. 

Hence the lack of little things like blogging.

As Walt Disney famously said, in a much longer quote, “keep moving forward.”


We’ve made several dishes this month with varying degrees of success.


Carrot fritters

I shredded carrot, mixed in cheese, ground oats and flax into flour, added an egg and baked until crisp. They were a hit when warm, but not touched once cooled. 


Carrot Oatmeal “Cookies”

Shredded carrots, oats, maple syrup, salt and egg seem like a winner, but we’re not as well received as I had hoped.

 They needed to be sweeter and lighter, but Liam gave up sweets for lent. This sweet sacrifice limited how yummy I could make these…


Roasted Carrots

No pic of this super basic dinner side. 

It. Was. Not. Appreciated.


Carrot Mac and Cheese

I’m proudest of this one this month. After grating a 1/2 pound of carrots I added a bit of honey, some milk and blended it into a creamy carrot concoction.

The mix got poured in a pan and a 1/2 cup each of cheddar and freshly grated Parmesan were added and melted in.

This amazing sauce was poured over pasta and served to my picky little man.

He loved it.

Then I told him what was in it and he hated it.

A long talk ensued where I expressed my frustration and disappointment in his lack of honesty and open-mindedness that was the purpose of this whole project.

Then I stepped off my soapbox and let him know he was going to have it in his lunch every day that week.

The next afternoon, I got this reaction:

Mom wins.

Three months down. Nine to go.

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