Hulk and Muffins 

New month, new veg. 

When Liam picked spinach, I was vastly concerned. It’s the one of the most notorious of the veggies out there! But thinking on it, I realized that kid is pretty darn smart. Liam knew he liked spinach mixed into smoothies, because it masked any veggie flavor from waaay back. The kid was counting on me to do the same thing in four new recipes.

The heat was on!

I felt that starting from a familiar place would lend itself to a successful taste test. In consulting my go to life guide, Pinterest, I came across several recipes for spinach muffins. They all had a base of spinach purée, which made them a vibrant green.

Another thing they all had was a 1/2 cup or more of sweeteners, which I thought was a lot. Plus a larger amount of fat than I felt was necessary.

So I took those recipes and pieced together my own version adding blueberries to keep them familiar.

I had a feeling this would be a home run because Liam rarely turns his nose up to my baked goods.

And we named them Hulk Muffins…because they are incredibly green.

Spinach purée:

I used our magic bullet to zap two handfuls of spinach, a banana, and 1/2 c apple sauce into a vibrant green sauce.

Hulk Muffins:

1 1/2 c flour

1 t baking powder 

1/2 t baking soda

1/2 t salt

Add 1 egg, 1/4 c melted and cooled butter and 1/4 c brown sugar to the spinach mix and stir well.

Fold the wet mix into the dry, add a cup of blueberries and spoon into  muffin tins. I use mini muffin tins because tiny food it fun!

Cook for 10-12 minutes at 350 and yummy Hulk muffins are ready!

Liam gave them a five star rating! “Super delicious! Don’t give up if your kids don’t want to try them. Trust me, they will like them.”

I feel like SuperMom this week! The whole fam enjoyed this treat and they ate their veggies without force or threats!

Taking something beloved and spinning it in a healthy direction is always a good game plan. 

This is going to be a great month for veggies! 

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