February’s Veg of the Month…

After much debate, we’ve decided on spinach. 

Yep, spinach.

To clarify in advance, this is all Liam’s idea. 

He picks all the vegetables, we collaborate on recipes and I post the results. 

Liam has picked a few different veg as potential candidates for February. At first he wanted to go with brussel sprouts, which are one of my favs, but I encouraged him to try something more neutral so we would be more likely to have success.

In the decision making process, we talked about zucchini, mushrooms, carrots and a multitude of others, but Liam stood firmly with giving spinach a go.

I was really rooting for mushrooms.

On tonight’s after dinner family walk, we were talking about how else to make turnips for January and Liam’s thoughts jumped to vegetables for February.

Of all the veggies goodness in the world my picky eater is tackling the big daddy of all veg. 

Popeyes pal.


I’m all about success with this project,  so I’m determined to find spectacularly delectable dishes to showcase spinach.

January’s experience with turnips showed us that Liam is sensitive to bitter flavors. Spinach can be bitter if over cooked or on it’s own, I’ll need to create recipes playing on its versatility. 

The issue I foresee is texture. 

What Liam doesn’t know is that I’ve snuck spinach into his food for YEARS. Chopped into minuscule pieces of course.

I hope February treats us all to new flavors!  Visit in February to see how it goes…

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