Last Turnip Recipe!

For this recipe I turned to my favorite rabbit hole to get lost in-Pinterest.

While searching for yummy ways to entice my picky eater with one final turnip attempt, I stumbled across a Martha Stewart recipe for a turnip puff-something I’d never heard of before. It appears to be a holiday meal staple in other regions of our fine country. 

I searched around a bit more, and found a recipe I thought looked promising and tweakable at

For the puff I peeled, cut up and boiled two turnips in water seasoned with salt and honey.  Once tender,I mashed them up, added about a T brown sugar, 3T butter, about a cup of fresh bread crumbs and two eggs. Then I baked it all in a small iron skillet at 350 for 20 minutes.


Liam gave it two thumbs down. Texture was ok, but the turnip flavor was too strong.
What I’ve learned this month:

Turnips are gross.

Sorry, but they are.

The only recipe I “liked” was the baked version. 

I also learned that my picky eater is at least willing to try new things with a (somewhat) open mind. This is worth celebrating!

Check in next week to see what Liam picked for February’s veg of the month. It’s a doozy.

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